Things to consider when starting therapy

We acknowledge and understand that starting therapy can be scary, difficult and a big step outside your comfort zone. When seeking out therapy there is a lot to think about and here are a few things you might consider:

  • First sessions are hard! This is the first time the therapist has met you and they may ask lots of questions to understand who you are and what’s important to you. The beginning sessions are trial and error, so try and give enough time to see if it’s the right fit.
  • The first few sessions are to develop a relationship with you and your therapist. It may take a little time to feel like you are on the right track and feel comfortable opening up to a new person.
  • It’s important that you feel safe, free of judgement and have honesty in your therapy sessions.
  • To prepare for your therapy, start making notes in your phone throughout the week about things you may want to talk through.
  • When thinking about the topics you want to discuss with your therapist, they have likely heard it all so be open and honest. It’s the best way to move forward in your relationship.
  • Talk to your therapist, ask questions and feel comfortable saying you don’t know the answers yet if you’re not sure
  • Use the time after sessions to reflect on what you’ve discussed, the things you’ve agreed upon working on and what’s working and what’s not.
  • Recognising plateaus happen and that it’s important to still see your therapist in the good and bad
  • Knowing when it’s time to pause or breakup with your therapist – it’s okay!

We hope some of these tips are helpful in your therapy journey.

If you are seeking counselling, therapy or social work services for the challenges you may be facing, please reach out to With Grace Therapy. With Grace Therapy have experienced and accredited Social Workers who can support you.

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